nouveaux boss
Quetes par Apero
Dernière mise à jour le 01/01/70

Voila un début de guide sur les nouveaux camps RK coté Clan,( merci a cratapapy pour ce guide !!! :)

A Old Athen a coté du shop Towers se trouve "Captain Cante Hawk", il vous propose de faire la visite de 5 camps :
- Clondyke
- Eastern Foul Plains
- Pleasant Meadows
- Southern Artery Valley
- Upper Stret East Bank

Pour chaque mission qu'il vous donne, c'est la même chose : tuer 5 guardes et peter la gueule au méchant boss.
Ces missions vous filent un reward qui vous ajoute des VP et 50 tokens.
Le temps de respawn des boss est de 2 heures.
Les missions ne peuvent se faire qu'une seule fois, mais vous n'êtes pas obligé d'avoir la mission pour tuer les boss et looter (sauf pour le camp d'Eastern Foul Plains où vous aurez besoin d'un item pour faire pop le boss et c'est Captain Cante Hawk qui vous le refile).
Une team complète 200+ devrait suffir pour tous ces camps.

Un peu plus en détails

Clondyke : Force Recon Commander 191

Pour réussir a tuer le boss sans trop de problèmes, il faut une petite team, pas besoin forcément de gros healers ou de gros tanks.
Vous pullez tous les guardes a l'entrée du camp, puis ceux a l'interieur en faisant extremement attention de ne pas puller le gros neuneu qui tourne en rond dans son personal mech.
Une fois le camp vidé de guardes, tout le monde se mech (en assault par exemple), quelqu'un va pull le boss en dehors de la base et c'est partit pour un gros rush bourrin sur le gros neuneu.
La ou ca se complique, c'est que vous pouvez vous retrouver en dehors de votre mech a n'importe quel instant, si c'est le cas, il vous reste plus qu'a fuir car le boss vous tape facilement dans les 10k avec une tres bonne cadence.
Dès que le boss meurt, vous quittez vos mechs, tuez les guardes restants, tout en lootant.

Eastern Foul Plains : Special Agent Moxy

La aussi, il faut tuer les guardes, les scientists peuvent heal donc a cibler en premier. Par la suite, vous utilisez l'item "Orbital Alien Detonator" sur le gros machin vert alien, et vous courrez très loin car c'est un joli laser qui va faire bobo.
Apres l'Agent Moxy pop et généralement c'est le bordel car ce boss tape très très fort et est mobile, bonne chance (poum pi loum).

Pleasant Meadows : Major Woon

Celui ci est assez chiant par moments, restez bien a l'exterieur pour pull les guardes un par un, et faites attention car le boss warp et AOE stun (joli combo hein).
Si vous êtes warpés lors du kill des guardes, je vous conseille fortement de tenter de zoner, car le doc n'aura pas le temps de venir vous heal a l'interieur du camp si vous etes stun.
Lorsque les guardes sont morts, tout le monde dedans, les docs restent le plus loin possible pour ne pas être dans la zone de stun, le mieux je pense serait qu'ils s'installent sur le batiment en fer a cheval, car ils sont en hauteur pour pouvoir heal.
A chaque fois, nous avons eu 2 adds qui venaient nous emmerder, mieux vaut les tuer au plus vite, car si une personne est stun avec le boss + 2 adds sur lui, il creve :)

Southern Artery Valley : Assault Commander Pax

Le début ca se passe bien, voir très bien, le boss ne bouge pas, les guardes sont pas trop embêtants.
Et voila que pop 2 sentinelles... continuez a taper le boss, quand il arrive a moitié de vie, il pop encore 2 guardes qui vont se faut prévoir 2 ou 3 mechs de votre coté pour les eliminer.

Upper Stret East Bank : Peal Thunder

Celui ci est bien fun, le boss se cache dans une sorte de bunker au fond a gauche (qui a dit "dtc" ??) avec son lance roquettes, il reste immobile, donc vous pouvez pull les guardes sans trop de soucis (sauf s'il a le temps de vous lancer 2 roquettes).
La encore, les docs doivent rester bien en arrière car il a un AOE Nano Shutdown (enfin un truc du genre), autrement, c'est a mon avis le plus simple de tous.
Attention tout de meme, la zone est 25%, verifiez les environs avant de commencer, ca serait dommage de se faire ganker :D

Les loots (surement incomplet)

Ils ont l'air d'être plus ou moins aléatoires suivant les camps, avec généralement une arme, un hud ou neck item, un clump LE.
J'ai vu des guardes drop des armes, mais c'est assez rare.

A priori, on a quand meme a 100% drop :
[b]Clondyke: Smuggled Combat Merit Board Base
[b]Eastern foul plains: Smuggled Nanite Merit Board Base
[b]Southern artery valley: Dreadloch Stabilising Aid
[b]Upper streat east bank: Dreadloch Endurance Booster
[b]Pleasant meadows: Dreadloch Aiming Apparatus

Les Boards :

Smuggled Combat Merit Board Base
Quality level: 1
Requirements: Wear: TitleLevel from 6
Location: Neck
Modifier: Max Nano 800
Max Health 800
Physic. Init 100
Melee. Init. 100
Ranged. Init. 100
Add All Off 40
Add All Def. 40
Add. Energy Dam. 20
Add. Chem. Dam. 20
Add. Rad. Dam. 20
Add. Cold Dam. 20
Add. Fire Dam. 20
Add. Poison Dam. 20
% Add. Xp 4
This is a base component used to produce merit boards. It has yet to be programmed with any factional data. Usually such base parts are pre-programmed with their alignment functions prior to shipping from the production plants so this has presumably been smuggled out for sale on the black market.

Smuggled Nanite Merit Board Base
Quality level: 1
TitleLevel from 6
Location: Neck
Max Nano 800
Max Health 800
NanoC. Init. 100
Add All Off 40
Add All Def. 40
% Add. Nano Cost -2
NanoDelta 10
Healing Efficiency 2%
Direct Nano Damage Efficiency 2%
% Add. Xp 4
This is a base component used to produce merit boards. It has yet to be programmed with any factional data. Usually such base parts are pre-programmed with their alignment functions prior to shipping from the production plants so this has presumably been smuggled out for sale on the black market.

Les items en HUD :

Dreadloch Sniper's Friend
Quality level: SPECIAL
Must have expansionset: Lost Eden
Agility from 1000
Perception from 1101
Level from 201
Attack 0.10s
Recharge 0.10s
Equip delay: 0.10s
Location: Hud3
Rifle 25
Ranged. Init. 250
Aimed Shot 25
CriticalIncrease 5
Max Health 150
This device is a favourite of agents and snipers across the galaxy. It allows for greater optical enhancements and the direct feed of targeting information between implants. This model has been in production for a hundred years but has only recently been removed from the list of items that were not allowed to be imported to Rubi-Ka.

Dreadloch Aiming Apparatus
Quality level: SPECIAL
Must have expansionset: Lost Eden
Intelligence from 1000
Level from 201
Attack 0.10s
Recharge 0.10s
Equip delay: 0.10s
Location: Hud1 Hud3 Hud2
Pistol 25
Fling Shot 15
RangeInc. Weapon 2
CriticalIncrease 1
Ranged. Init. 50

Dreadloch Endurance Booster - Nanomage Edition
Quality level: SPECIAL
Must have expansionset: Lost Eden
Intelligence from 1000
Level from 201
Attack 0.10s
Recharge 0.10s
Equip delay: 0.10s
Location: Hud1 Hud3 Hud2
Max Health 500
Strength 20
Add All Def. 25

Dreadloch Survival Predictor
Quality level: SPECIAL
Trader or Bureaucrat
Level from 201
Sense from 1000
Intelligence from 1000
Must have expansionset: Lost Eden
Attack 0.10s
Recharge 0.10s
Equip delay: 0.10s
Location: Hud1 Hud2
Duck-Exp 25
Dodge-Rng 25
Evade-ClsC 25
Max Health 100
Add All Def. 25

Dreadloch Damage Amplifier
Quality level: SPECIAL
Must have expansionset: Lost Eden
Strength from 1000
Level from 201
Martial Artist
Attack 0.10s
Recharge 0.10s
Equip delay: 0.10s
Location: Hud1 Hud3 Hud2
Ranged. Init. 25
Add. Proj. Dam. 25
Add. Melee Dam. 25
Add. Energy Dam. 25
Add. Chem. Dam. 25
Add. Rad. Dam. 25
Add. Cold Dam. 25
Add. Fire Dam. 25
Add. Poison Dam. 25
Add All Off 15

Dreadloch Endurance Booster
Quality level: SPECIAL
Must have expansionset: Lost Eden
Stamina from 1000
Level from 201
MaxHealth 200
Strength 10
AddAllDef 10

Dreadloch Endurance Booster - Enforcer Special
Quality level: SPECIAL
Must have expansionset: Lost Eden
Stamina from 1000
Level from 201
Attack 0.10s
Recharge 0.10s
Equip delay: 0.10s
Location: Hud1 Hud3 Hud2
Max Health 250
Strength 20
Add All Def. 50
Resist Nano: Snare
Resist Nano: Root
Resist Nano: Mezz/Stun
This modification of the standard DEB was originally found on the black market where illegal fighting operations had used it to increase the endurance of their fighters in ways that were legally dubious at best. However, seeing the potential in the design, the Dreadloch Weapons division applied for, and were granted, permission to utilize the technique to make this special edition of the DEB.

Dreadloch Stabilising Aid
Quality level: SPECIAL
Must have expansionset: Lost Eden
Strength from 1000
Level from 201
Attack 0.10s
Recharge 0.10s
Equip delay: 0.10s
Location: Hud1 Hud3 Hud2
MG / SMG 25
Assault Rif 25
Burst 15
Add All Off 10
CriticalIncrease 1
Ranged. Init. 50
This device was formulated by the Dreadloch Weapons division to help improve the accuracy of Assault operatives while under fire.

Les armes :

Dreadloch Enhanced Panther
Quality level: SPECIAL
Must have expansionset: Lost Eden
1h Blunt from 2201
Fast Attack from 1101
Brawling from 1321
Dimach from 441
Damage: 350-468(330)
Attack 1.40s
Recharge 1.40s
Equip delay: 2.00s
Initiative: Melee Weapons Initiative
Location: RightHand LeftHand
Range: 2m
Dual wield: Mult. Melee 1649
Special: FastAttack
Max beneficial skill: 2600
Attack skills: 1h Blunt 100%
Defence skills: Evade-ClsC 100%
Damage type: Chemical AC
This is the result of the Dreadloch Weapons Development team tinkering with the design of the OFAB Panther and installing a nanite factory into the base of the hilt. The nanites will occasionally reduce the defenses of your target.

Dreadloch Enhanced Bear
Quality level: SPECIAL
Must have expansionset: Lost Eden
2h Blunt from 2201
Fast Attack from 1101
Brawling from 1321
Dimach from 441
Damage: 440-578(450)
Attack 1.70s
Recharge 1.70s
Equip delay: 2.00s
Initiative: Melee Weapons Initiative
Location: RightHand
Range: 4m
Special: FastAttack
Max beneficial skill: 2600
Attack skills: 2h Blunt 100%
Defence skills: Evade-ClsC 100%
Damage type: Melee/ma AC
This is the result of the Dreadloch Weapons division's development team tinkering with the design of the OFAB Bear and installing a nanite factory into the base of the hilt. The nanites will occasionally reduce the defenses of your target.

Dreadloch Balanced Freedom Arms
Ammo: 36/75
Quality level: SPECIAL
Must have expansionset: Lost Eden
Pistol from 1701
Fling Shot from 851
Ammo type: Bullets
Damage: 260-365(248)
Attack 1.20s
Recharge 1.20s
Equip delay: 1.00s
Initiative: Ranged Weapons Initiative
Location: RightHand LeftHand
Range: 25m
Dual wield: Multi Ranged 1550
Special: FlingShot
Max beneficial skill: 2600
Attack skills: Pistol 100%
Defence skills: Dodge-Rng 100%
Stamina 15
Strength 15
Damage type: Imp/Proj AC
This pistol was a personal project of Roland Maskle, one of the project managers of the Dreadloch Weapons division, and was created by combining the technology of the new OFAB pistol lines with the balance and load of his old favourite, Freedom Arm pistols. He also installed a nanite injection chamber that adds charged nanites to the firing rounds. These nanites are programmed to hinder the healing abilities of the target when they trigger. The problem was that he used company funds to run the development project. Therefore he had to take precautions so that only Bureaucrats like himself could activate the DNA encoded trigger lock. To untrained eyes the weapon would appear just like any other pistol.

Dreadloch Obliterator
Quality level: SPECIAL
Must have expansionset: Lost Eden
Level from 210
Grenade from 2001
Fling Shot from 1001
Ammo type: Grenade Ammo
Damage: 325-525(500)
Attack 2.00s
Recharge 1.80s
Equip delay: 3.00s
Initiative: Ranged Weapons Initiative
Location: RightHand
Range: 30m
Special: FlingShot
Max beneficial skill: 2600
Attack skills: Grenade 100%
Defence skills: Duck-Exp 100%
Damage type: Imp/Proj AC

Dreadloch Thrasher
Quality level: SPECIAL
Must have expansionset: Lost Eden
Level from 210
Ranged Ener from 2001
Burst from 1001
Fling Shot from 1001
Ammo type: Energy Weapon Ammo
Damage: 275-550(275)
Attack 1.70s
Recharge 1.70s
Equip delay: 3.00s
Initiative: Ranged Weapons Initiative
Location: RightHand
Range: 30m
Special: Burst FlingShot
Max beneficial skill: 2600
Attack skills: Ranged Ener 100%
Defence skills: Dodge-Rng 100%
Damage type: Energy AC
This energy weapon was designed for use in low atmosphere situations and takes advantage of cutting edge particle acceleration techniques. One unique aspect of this weapon is that there is occasionaly a build up of corrosive nanites that form in the particle stream. When this occurs the nanites can reduce the effectiveness of armor.

Dreadloch Tigress
Quality level: SPECIAL
Must have expansionset: Lost Eden
Bow from 1801
Fling Shot from 901
Aimed Shot from 901
Ammo type: Arrows
Damage: 325-600(650)
Attack 1.60s
Recharge 1.60s
Equip delay: 6.00s
Initiative: Ranged Weapons Initiative
Location: RightHand
Range: 25m
Special: FlingShot Snipe
Max beneficial skill: 2600
Attack skills: Bow 100%
Defence skills: Dodge-Rng 100%
Max Health 500
Max Nano 500
Damage type: Disease AC
This crossbow variant was inspired by Anin Elouis, a Meta-Physicist who worked as a research analyst with the Dreadloch Weapons division's development team. Wanting to add a female touch to the weapon she worked to refine this model to her specifications and was also able to add a psychologically sentient nanite coating factory that coats the bolt in nanites that can interfere with the potential nano damage of the target

Dreadloch Combat Remodulator
Quality level: SPECIAL
Must have expansionset: Lost Eden
Level from 202
Mech. Engi from 2001
Elec. Engi from 2001
Ammo type: Energy Weapon Ammo
Damage: 25-50(20)
Attack 0.02s
Recharge 0.02s
Equip delay: 45.00s
Initiative: Ranged Weapons Initiative
Location: RightHand
Range: 30m
Max beneficial skill: 2300
Attack skills: Mech. Engi 100%
Defence skills: Time&Space 100%
Damage type: Imp/Proj AC
This bizarre creation was the brainchild of a drinking club that met every Friday evening at the Dreadloch Weapons division mess hall. This version of their famous, or rather infamous, remodulator was a little more refinded with the specific purpose of using the accidental technology of the original to harness a very specific effect. While this version does even less damage than the original it has the effect of consistently reducing its target's evade skills.

Dreadloch Remodulator
Quality level: SPECIAL
Must have expansionset: Lost Eden
Level from 202
Mech. Engi from 2001
Elec. Engi from 2001
Ammo type: Energy Weapon Ammo
Damage: 50-100(20)
Attack 2.30s
Recharge 2.30s
Equip delay: 45.00s
Initiative: Ranged Weapons Initiative
Location: RightHand
Range: 30m
Max beneficial skill: 2300
Attack skills: Mech. Engi 100%
Defence skills: Time&Space 100%
Damage type: Imp/Proj AC
This bizarre creation was the brainchild of a drinking club that met every Friday evening at the Dreadloch Weapons division mess hall. Known as great lateral thinkers, they came up with this creation after a particularly heavy binge by combining the casing of an OFAB Shark with an experimental flux capacitor. As a combat weapon they managed to lose most of its effectiveness. However, the added technology had the side effect of greatly disrupting the defenses of the target. Due to its complexity it's now more suited for a technician to use rather then any kind of combat trooper.